When considering that a growing world population will need nourishment in the decades to come and that U.S. milk production has the ability to continue to grow, the question is not if our domestic industry...
While we love working with dairy cows, we can’t forget that the role of dairy farmers and those that support them is to provide nutritious milk and dairy products to the population. Expanding the...
For many operations, farm transition may be the single most important decision a family makes for their own livelihoods as well as the continuity of the farm business. An early question in this proces
Net Zero by 2050. It’s a lofty and, at times, overwhelming concept to consider that dairy could achieve carbon neutrality, optimize water usage, and improve water quality by 2050
When we think of heifer rearing success, we often look to benchmarks such as growth and age at first calving. Another factor that becomes especially important when a heifer calves is udder health
Think like a plant breeder when looking at your corn grain and feed costs this coming year. This statement likely doesn’t make sense at first glance, but bear with me as I explain my thought process
When baling a heavy windrow, sometimes hay would get caught on the draw pin, which eventually created a slug that the baler didn’t appreciate. To keep hay from getting caught on the pin, we cut down
Though we don’t see them and may only rarely think about them, there are thousands of satellites — the current approximation is more than 4,500 — circling our globe right now
The 140,000 head reduction in dairy cow numbers from May 2021 to January 2022 has rightly been cited as a major reason for weak milk production growth in recent months
U.S. dairy product exports pushed past $800 million in sales for an unprecedented fourth straight month. In doing so, total American dairy exports reached $4.8 billion in the first six months